Amrita's Anokha Tech Fest

  1. Special event as it is happening on the Silver Jubilee year of the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus.

  2. A new dimension added to this 10th edition as Anokha emerging as perhaps the first green techfest in India. This year’s Theme was Green Anokha with a vision to have a fully smart and green campus. Various activities towards this include e-passport or Anokha pass for all participants, no printing with all information on events and workshops on Anokha app

  3. 50 highly competitive events in all branches of engineering, gaming and robotics. Popular contests and competitions included Robowarz, Amrita’s version of Battlebots, Death race, Autonomous robots & Drone challenge, Arduino U know, Hydropowered Rocket, Paper wings, Robosoccer, King of Concrete and master of circuits.